Why Business Interruption Insurance Is Important


Every business needs to have the proper insurance in order to survive. In addition to your basic business insurance, you will also need to have business interruption insurance. There are several benefits that you can reap from having business interruption insurance.

Cover Lost Revenue

If your business was forced to close due to an unforeseen circumstance, then it can lose a lot of revenue. You could be forced to close your business if you are unable to recoup the losses. Business interruption insurance will recover your lost revenue, which may help save your business.

Cover Rent or Lease Payments

Even if you have to close your business for a certain amount of time, you will still have to cover rent or lease payments. Business interruption insurance will cover your rent or lease payments. You won’t have to worry about how you are going to make up the missed payments.


If the building is damaged by a disaster, then you may be forced to move somewhere else until it is repaired. Relocation can be quite expensive. Business interruption insurance can cover the cost of relocating to a temporary place.

Employee Wages

You will not be able to pay your employees if your business is not bringing in any revenue. Employees will likely quit if they go without being paid for an extended period of time. If you have business interruption insurance, then you will be able to pay your employees. It is important to note that it is easier for you to keep your current employees than it is for you to attract new ones.

Loan Payments

You have to pay your loans regardless of whether your business is open. Falling behind on payments can have dire consequences. If you miss just one payment, then your credit score can drop. You can also lose your assets if your loan is backed by collateral. Furthermore, it can be harder for you to get funding if you have a bad credit score.

Business interruption insurance will ensure that you never miss a payment. You will be able to protect your assets and credit score.

It is important for you to get your insurance from the right company. If you are looking for an insurance agency that sells business insurance, then you will need to contact Inspirion Insurance Solutions. They can help you find an insurance policy that fits the needs of your business.

Inspirion Insurance Solutions


8965 S Eastern Ave Ste 260, Las Vegas, NV 89123

(702) 979-3299

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