Do I Need Hire A Courier Van Insurance To Make My Delivery Business Successful?


If you drive a commercial van to carry goods from one place to another and receive payment, then courier van insurance really is a legal requirement. You may also need it if you work as a courier driver, offering a service from a home address to many different locations. Regular van insurance does not offer drivers the correct cover for making numerous deliveries; as a private van courier, you also face some unique risks which require an extra specialist policy, such as:

– You make many short trips between pick-ups and drop-off points. Do you use more than one vehicle to carry your load? – Are you subject to any special road laws that might make your vehicle legally hazardous to other drivers on the road? – Do you travel at night time or at unusual times (such as in winter). – Do you carry goods worth more than your vehicle’s value, such as costly electrical goods? – If you are a full-service courier who makes deliveries to offices, then courier van insurance covers your vehicle when undertaking deliveries to these locations.

Many insurers have a list of standard vehicles that they will not insure. If you do not own this list of vehicles you will be required to obtain individual cover for each one individually. If your company uses more than one vehicle to carry out its business then you will also need a separate cover for each one. If your company uses a van for both commercial and private purposes then you may also be required to purchase commercial van insurance. Of course, these requirements will depend upon how large your business is, and also upon the type of vehicle you use. Some insurers will offer a discount if you insure more than one vehicle with them, so if you use a number of vans make sure you find out what size and type they are offering.

In addition to purchasing separate courier van insurance for each vehicle you use, you may also be entitled to a reward. If your company offers any sort of incentive scheme, this can also entitle you to discounts on courier insurance. For example if you are a member of a corporate club, this could entitle you to an annual reward. Similarly, some courier enterprises have been known to offer substantial bonuses to those employees who are highly qualified, since these employees are considered to be an asset to the company who use their skills to make the courier company successful.

If you are providing customers with services such as couriers delivering goods door to door, or even inside their homes, it is very important to have adequate courier van insurance. The safety of your customer’s possessions can never be under-estimated and should always form part of your courier insurance. Insuring your company against the risks involved with transporting goods of this nature is necessary to avoid financial losses that may arise in the future. There are many people who simply prefer to hire one individual courier for all their deliveries rather than engaging other drivers to carry out their deliveries. However, this can be extremely dangerous, as any mistake can result in the loss or damage of a large number of your company’s assets.

As with any other type of business, when it comes to the delivery of goods, there can be nothing more serious than the risk of accidents. courier vans are often used to transport goods and documents which are very heavy and fragile. In the case of delivery of goods by truck, there is also the problem of paying someone to do the job for you if the van was not properly equipped to carry out the delivery safely. Therefore, whether you are hiring drivers to carry out your deliveries or are employing vehicles to do it yourself, it is absolutely essential that you have adequate courier van insurance.

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